
Module including the sonata node and edge namespaces.



Constant Container for snap.


Edge property names.


Node property names.

class bluepysnap.sonata_constants.ConstContainer

Constant Container for snap.


Allows the creation of hierarchical subclasses such as:

>>> class Container(ConstContainer):
>>>     VAR1 = "var1"
>>> class SubContainer(Container):
>>>     VAR2 = "var2"
>>> class SubSubContainer(SubContainer):
>>>     VAR3 = "var3"
>>> print(SubSubContainer.key_set()) # To know the accessible variable names
{"VAR1", "VAR2", "VAR3"}
>>> for v in SubSubContainer.key_set(): # To get the variable (names, values)
>>>     print(v, getattr(SubSubContainer, v))
classmethod get(const_name)

Get a constant from a string name.

classmethod key_set()

List all constant members of the class.

class bluepysnap.sonata_constants.Edge

Edge property names.

AXONAL_DELAY = 'delay'
POST_SECTION_ID = 'afferent_section_id'
POST_SECTION_POS = 'afferent_section_pos'
POST_X_CENTER = 'afferent_center_x'
POST_X_SURFACE = 'afferent_surface_x'
POST_Y_CENTER = 'afferent_center_y'
POST_Y_SURFACE = 'afferent_surface_y'
POST_Z_CENTER = 'afferent_center_z'
POST_Z_SURFACE = 'afferent_surface_z'
PRE_SECTION_ID = 'efferent_section_id'
PRE_SECTION_POS = 'efferent_section_pos'
PRE_X_CENTER = 'efferent_center_x'
PRE_X_SURFACE = 'efferent_surface_x'
PRE_Y_CENTER = 'efferent_center_y'
PRE_Y_SURFACE = 'efferent_surface_y'
PRE_Z_CENTER = 'efferent_center_z'
PRE_Z_SURFACE = 'efferent_surface_z'
SOURCE_NODE_ID = '@source_node'
SYN_WEIGHT = 'syn_weight'
TARGET_NODE_ID = '@target_node'
class bluepysnap.sonata_constants.Node

Node property names.

MODEL_TEMPLATE = 'model_template'
MODEL_TYPE = 'model_type'
MORPHOLOGY = 'morphology'
ORIENTATION_W = 'orientation_w'
ORIENTATION_X = 'orientation_x'
ORIENTATION_Y = 'orientation_y'
ORIENTATION_Z = 'orientation_z'
RECENTER = 'recenter'
ROTATION_ANGLE_X = 'rotation_angle_xaxis'
ROTATION_ANGLE_Y = 'rotation_angle_yaxis'
ROTATION_ANGLE_Z = 'rotation_angle_zaxis'
X = 'x'
Y = 'y'
Z = 'z'